The handbrake worked for a almost a month, no problems. Today while playing, I noticed that it stopped working. Moza Pithouse says it's disconnected. I'm on Windows 11 and when I check in Control Panel > Bluetooth & Devices > Devices HBP has a green dot. I can hear it if I reconnect the port from handbrake. I tried reinstalling Pit house, restarting PC, removing device, and nothing worked.
1 Comment
Michael Tan
over 1 year ago
I found out the problem :D I clicked on the Moza Pit House and apparently the handbrake's firmware needed to be updated. Click on the cloud with an upward arrow icon on the Moza PH left tab and update. You're welcome Moza!
Michael Tan
The handbrake worked for a almost a month, no problems. Today while playing, I noticed that it stopped working. Moza Pithouse says it's disconnected. I'm on Windows 11 and when I check in Control Panel > Bluetooth & Devices > Devices HBP has a green dot. I can hear it if I reconnect the port from handbrake. I tried reinstalling Pit house, restarting PC, removing device, and nothing worked.